Thursday, June 6, 2013

Things inspired by the Paris Free Drawing Group

These are the people of La Chappelle metro stop rushing by at tea-time on a Monday, bustling past, waiting or scooting past on the train. I drew outlines very quick in pink and then added detail in light green from memory as they buzzed off elsewhere, I then added contrast with darker green and blue. I especially enjoy the two angry faced men who caught me sketching them.

I sketched on top of sketches around Montmartre then worked at home with the outlines I liked and made the forms more angular and added a load of colour. Didn't like beardy face in the bottom right at first, but now he's a favourite. I've become less fond of the saxophonists who I redid a couple of times in different levels of detail.
Here are some trees of alfortville done with the try-not-to-look-at-what-you're-drawing technique, I felt very meditative right up until every time I cheated and looked down, then found my self trying to perfect things.

Would love to see some other work shared here from all the members, I've really enjoyed the techniques which were suggested at the meetings and would love to see some more of what's been created.


  1. This is so cool (and hot)
    About the bearded bloke, I adore how our perception changes, we so definitively don't like something one day and do the next day. this is why I like putting puzzling drawings I do on teh wall and let them breath.
    I adore the mess you made!

  2. I cannot decide which one i like better because they are all great. Fantastic x

  3. For the 'technique', I often wonder what the word really means, since for me this is not a technique but a constraint (or a game, if you prefer). as you know, I am a strong believer in putting arbitrary strong constraints on the creative process, if you'd try to draw the sea but you could use only red color, how would you deal with it?

  4. great drawings! you managed to captured thickness of the air in the crowd ^V^

  5. I totally agree with Anna ! I wonder how you did the trees ?? What are these yellow lines, did you take your drawing behind some yellow glass ?
    I love how only a few people stick out of the crowd, it reflects well the perception we have of a masse of people. Well done !!
