Sunday, June 9, 2013

Sunday papers at the Luxembourg garden

Dov and Marouane having fun with guitar :)
was one of the best moment of this rainy day !

Dan and Carita drawing Dov and me ;)

Marouane and Florina in a funny discussion, this picture was drawn by Dov & me :x


P.S. (by Dov)
While playing with the post of Francois, I added a retouched version of the first drawing here...


  1. Such a great post! and all three drawings are an eye-candy!. but I have one thing that really bothers me... If my mind doesn't play tricks on me (as it does sometimes) I think the drawing we did together was inverse ((left to right)... am I wrong?!

  2. yeah you are totally right ! lol it is reversed, i made a mistake when extracting from camera then converting to a small pic for the blog ;)

  3. Wow I really love the effect you added to the pic :x

  4. Fantastic stuff!!! I wish I could have been there!!!
