Sunday, August 4, 2013

the "Not ignoring the Mammoth in the park" session

Was a great and fun session!
This time the theme was drawing together, in two-somes and three-somes. 
We started by drawing a mammoth that passed by (luckily moving  v  e  r  y    s  l  o  w  . . . )
Than found a piece of grass to lay our ass on, and draw in groups, 
Most drawing seen below were drawn by more than one person, so no signatures. (anyone recognizing one they did, just update the post!)

Finished off the a teahouse near the musk. 
Was a great saturday!

BTW - the photo quality leaves space to the imagination, anyone having the originals, please send me a photo so I can update the post...

N-joy, till nextime!


Couple reclining (with sunspots ornament)

Celine & Elza's lady

Another couple (or pair?)

Dov & Richard


Stripy shirt

Two women

woman on grass, palm tree, steps
Woman on grass, Palm tree, Stairs


  1. Awesome pictures! Looks like you had a lot of fun!

  2. Know thyself!

    That day was very enriching. I've learn a lot about how my "co-drawers" were drawing. They all had a different style and approach. I compared with my way of drawing, and I've learn about it. I understand better how I draw.
    I've seen and I've liked:
    - Dov doing sparkling lines, spontaneously
    - Marie catching the mammoth character
    - Prabal finding nature's and color's harmony
    - Daniel drawing people so precisely
    and I've noticed that I like (crazy) colors and geometry ...

    Then another idea came to me: I think we draw the way we are... Then by translating people's "drawing styles" to "life styles", I think I know you (a bit) better. I also know myself a bit better. This is rare to learn so much in one afternoon.

    Thank you all!

    1. Wow! a great comment!
      Thanks so much for sharing the insight!

      Along the same line, more interesting observation may be:
      - How different people react to change:
      - do you stick to your plan? (ignoring the thing your partner drew)
      - do you completely react?, do you react but keep your direction? and if so, do you react against what was drawn, or with it?

      - Ownership:
      - Do you feel your partner 'ruins' what you did? adds to it?
      - Are you timid and afraid to 'ruin' what your partner did?

      - Who takes the lead of the process? how do you agree it is finished?

      And when you say you learned, did you also try to imitate other people?

      Lots of ideas...

  3. Those are a lot of interesting ideas. Sometimes I try to imitate others talent, but this is a real challenge.
    This could be my definition the meetup group:
    Ideas, others challenge and fun!
